Ear Problem - Tumor?

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Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by ernstinen » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:05 am

Hi My Friends,Man, I sure hope I don't join the ranks of composers like Brian Wilson or (gasp!) Beethoven --- Yesterday I got a real scare concerning the status of my left ear. I've been noticing something wrong for about a month, and went to a top-notch Hearing Clinic located here in L.A. They first gave me a hearing test, with headphones on, and I thought it was real cool while it was happening. (I thought it would prove my claim of being able to hear up to 24 kHz --- LOL!). Well, the test only went up to 8 kHz, and they found some problems, I'm sorry to say.Since I'm an audio engineer as well as a composer, I've always been careful with my ears, and am very aware of frequency graphs. But the graph they printed out showed a significant drop of over 20 db starting around 4 kHz. My hearing then got better going up to 8 kHz, but that's where the testing stopped, and my worrying started. The doctor didn't have to explain the graph to me --- I knew exactly what it meant. Big trouble for Ol' Ern. The Doctor of Otolaryngology wants me to have an MRI because of a possible tumor between the ear and the brain. The tumor is called an "Acoustic Neuroma," and presses on the 7th and/or 8th nerves coming out of the inner ear. If they DO find a tumor, and it's small and removed surgically, I have about a 50% chance of being able to continue to hear out of my left ear. I've been taking nightly walks to help clear out my negative thoughts --- just like Beethoven used to do when he was going deaf.Any thoughts are appreciated!Ern

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by ggalen » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:28 am

Ern,You also might want to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion, since hearing is such an important part of our lives.Did they say what else it might be? This could turn out just fine. Try to distract yourself if possible and think about something else, if at all possible. Here's hoping for great news after your MRI.

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by davekershaw » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:32 am

Thinking of you Ern.Keep them positive thoughts!If it is, it is, and they'll sort it. But don't let your head take you places it maybe need not go.Not knowing is often the worst bit. So let's hope they get to the bottom of it quickly.Cheers,Dave.

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by che » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:51 am

Ern,Try not to let the "unknown" worry you to death. Your mind can wander places so far from reality when you're told something like this. With my last child the doctors scared me to death. They said her kidneys weren't functioning properly yada yada yada. That sent me to the internet and what I found there was even more scary. Her symptoms could have been related to many severe disabilities and life threatening disorders. Turns out all was well and the scare was totally unnecessary....she was 100 % fine. I'm sure you can imagine the time I wasted worrying.SO, even if it's something they need to take out. Just keep in mind that you can be one of the 50% who it works for and that you will be OK!!!!

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by devin » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:58 am

Hang in there Ern...lots of answers to get before having to make any decisions. Be positive and it'll come through for you...especially with all of us pulling for you...and we are!P.S. Thanks for sharing...the least we can do is throw our thoughts your way.
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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by mewman » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:58 am

Hi ErnI want to wish you the best and hope it all turns out well in the end. I'm with Glenn. Personally, I wouldn't let anyone touch me without a second or even third opinion. Make sure that the second or third doctors don't know each other, as well! I could tell you a couple of personal, near horror, stories concerning surgery and misdiagnosis! Be positive and be careful! Good luck!Mewman

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by Casey H » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:42 am

Best wishes Ern... Think positive!We'll all be thinking about you. Please keep up posted... Casey

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by ernstinen » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:46 am

WOW!Thank you all for the quick replies and the PMs. I really appreciate it!I DID have two different doctors say I need an MRI, so I'll have that and take it from there.BTW, when my internist recommended this clinic and said it was one of the best in the country, I was fired up --- UNTIL he told me the name of it:"THE HOUSE EAR CLINIC." As a fan of the TV show, I asked if "Dr. House" worked there. The doc said "No, and if 'I' ever did ONE thing that Dr. House does, I'd have my license taken away IMMEDIATELY!" LOL! Gotta keep a sense of humor about this stuff --- Ern

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by linziellen » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:55 am

Ern I'm thinking about you, let us know when you know a little more but definitely try and keep positive in the meantime.Lindsey

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Re: Ear Problem - Tumor?

Post by horacejesse » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:26 am

Wow! So sorry to hear that, Ern. It doesn't matter how good they are at the House, you still have to get a second opinion. Bill Gates, Buffet--they would get a fifth opinion. But even the pauper has to have at least one additional opinion.It is very scary. The kind of doctors you are going to are the ones who find the mis-diagnoses by the horse doctors where I come from. But they all make mistakes. A friend of mine who grew up in LA was sick for a long time. First he tried the elephant doctors up here. They each gave him a different diagnosis. Then he cut to the chase and went down to one of LA's best clinics, where he got yet another diagnosis. When he came back up here he took one last chance and saw a holistic nurse. After seeing doctors with a combined 300 years of experience and education, a little ol' holistic nurse finally diagnosed him right: leukemia. He is now "well."

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