Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Yep. Drop your super cool ego and beg for fans!

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Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Post by hummingbird » Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:42 am

Hey ya'll, I think we should get back to the subject at hand, which is making music good enough to get past the Taxi gatekeepers and into the hands of someone who will do something with it xxxHummin'bird
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Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Post by sgs4u » Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:06 am

Jaxsn, Tolerance is sometimes a muscle that needs exercise, yes? Please understand, Taxi can often be a collection of misfits and dreamers. Many of us are not very politically correct. Sometimes this kind of crap hits the fan when people respond with their fingers and their hearts, before they allow the emotion of the moment to subside. And especially when they're talking about and or getting emotional about art. Thank you for pointing out what you have, because you & me, JD1, and Liam are all worthy of respect. You are a very welcome personality to this forum, and my life. I dearly hope that you have enough patience to put with this kind of crap. OTOH, there may well be members who also deem discussions about politics and religion, to be pointless, in a music forum. I personally love talking about politics, religion and and anything else that makes the world go around(or stops it). Mostly because that's how I live, and because it's all song fodder to me. I would caution against recommending this become a forum for children to peruse, although it certainly can be seen as a "family" of artists. You see it's a very loud family, with lots of emotional outburst's that are rarely censored before the participants come to terms with their own limitations. steve

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Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Post by johnnydean1 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:36 am

Quote:Quote:[quote author=liamkelly board=promotion thread=1187751960 post=1190679745]JDAs usual, a good idea Why don't I try whatever you're on for a while What is it you're on again?You should be on an English grammar and spelling course before you consider even pharmacology.Two spelling errors, one capital error and one punctuation error in the first seven words is laughable.But, frankly, your second sentence is the kind of sectarian bullshit that us Irish have been putting up with for way too long now. I suppose if I was black it would be okay for you to call me nigger?Why don't you sit down with your son or daughter or nephew or niece and explain to them in clear terms what you mean by:I.m on intravenus Guiness and Poteen Patches.Begorra begorra didlee dee didlee dee Let them follow whatever example you have decided life has deigned you to preach.Begorra, begorra indeed. The last thing I worry about on this board Liam is my grammer.Two questions for you.1 Plastic Paddy or real?2 What's sectarian about my little joke.Is Guiness exclusive to prods or Catholics. Sorry that's three!!! Modified after 14 pints of Guiness!!! Begorra Begay and Begonewithya

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